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BlackBit Drilling: Your Choice for Reliable Geotechnical Services
BlackBit Drilling offers comprehensive geotechnical drilling services to suit a variety of project needs.

This test is the most frequently used subsurface exploration drilling test performed worldwide. SPT is an in-situ dynamic penetration test designed to provide information on the properties of soil density, while also collecting a soil sample for grain-size analysis and soil classification. The method uses a split-spoon sampler to retrieve a sample. The split-spoon sampler is a 24" long, 2" diameter (OD) hollow tube split in half lengthwise. It is driven into the ground with a 140-pound safety hammer falling 30". The blow counts (hammer strikes) required to advance the sampler a total of 18" are counted and reported as the N-value.
Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is performed using an instrumented probe with a conical tip, pushed into the soil hydraulically at a constant metered rate. A basic CPT report shows tip resistance, pore pressure, and sleeve friction along the cone. CPT data is used to classify the undisturbed soil properties. This method is considered non-invasive and used when sensitive testing is needed, such as sinkholes or loose soil conditions that are unsafe for SPT drilling.
Cone Penetration Test (CPT)

A method of sampling using an auger as a corkscrew. The auger is screwed into the ground then lifted out. Soil is retained on the blades of the auger and kept for testing. The soil sampled this way is considered disturbed.
Continuous Flight Auger
Hollow-Stem Augers (HSA) are hollow augers used to install shallow temporary monitoring wells and piezometers. An HSA is drilled to the desired depth of the well and a PVC piezometer is inserted into the center of the auger. The auger is then removed from the soil leaving the piezometer in the bore hole ready for sampling.
Hollow-Stem Auger (HSA)

This sampler consists of a thin-walled tube with a cutting edge at the toe. A sampler head attaches the tube to the drill rod and contains a check valve and pressure vents. Generally used in cohesive soils, this sampler is advanced into the soil layer and cohesion of the sample in the tube causes the sample to be retained when the tube is withdrawn. Soil sampled in this manner is considered undisturbed and is used to run multiple lab tests.
Shelby Tube Sampling
The sampler consists of a short cylinder (bucket) with a cutting edge attached to a rod and handle. The sampler is advanced by a combination of rotation and downward force. Samples taken this way are disturbed samples used for basic classification and shallow soil collection.
Hand Auger

PVC piezometers ranging from 1” to 2” in diameter can be installed to a desired depth using either continuous flight augers for shallow depths or hollow-stem augers when needed. Piezometers are used to measure stabilized water tables and pull water samples for testing.
Piezometer Installation
Rock Coring is used to extract a core sample in rock to determine the density of the rock sample for structural design purposes and load bearing capacity. A 5’ core barrel provides a 2” diameter sample for lab analysis. The quality of the sample is determined by the density of the rock.
Rock Coring

Our fleet of differing rigs can navigate varying terrains. With our support equipment, land clearing teams, and knowledge of Florida soil, we can access most environments. From very small yards to wooded forests, BlackBit Drilling can help you gather the data you need. No project is too big or small so call us to discuss your limited area.
Limited Access
BlackBit maintains multiple rigs equipped for investigating sinkholes. Our CPT rig is a non-invasive method of collecting soil data around unstable sinkholes. Test borings can be located around a depression to determine the area of disturbance and the extent of the affected area. Our small SPT track rigs are ideal for maneuvering around buildings and homes to access affected areas. The small footprints and lightweight of the rigs help to prevent additional settlement during testing. A combination of both testing methods will give adequate data in order to form a remediation plan for the sinkhole.
Sinkhole Investigation